Osh State University Celebrates its Graduates’ Success on FMGE Exam! It is with great pleasure that Osh State University congratulates its graduates who have successfully passed the Foreign Medical Graduate Exam (FMGE) of the National Medical Commission (NMC), India. This …
We are glad to inform foreign students that FMGE/MCI Preparation class for Radiology is scheduled and Dr. Mohammad Khaleel Ahmed will take Preparatory classes for Radiology on campus.
The Indian Diwali holiday was held at the International Medical Faculty of Osh State University. The guests of the festival were the faculty and students of Osh State University, representatives of the city administration, the general public and youth. The …
Osh State University wishes you a happy Diwali festival
Today, university rankings have a great impact on the quality development of education and actively shape the educational landscape, demonstrating to the academic community, students and employers the level of competitiveness and their reputation. The world educational system has entered …
In Bishkek, at the Kyrgyz State Technical University, a ceremony was held for awarding certificates based on the results of an independent ranking of universities in Kyrgyzstan for 2022, which was attended by the rector of Osh State University H.E …
EMF students will learn about the Osh city tourist police, traffic signs, traffic rules and conducted explanatory work in English on the observance of their rights.
A conference on the topic: “The role of postgraduate education in the formation of models of qualified medical personnel” was organized in a multidisciplinary university virtual clinic.
In order to improve the health of the teaching staff and attract them to a healthy lifestyle, from January 31 to February 11, a general faculty sports contest was held among the teaching staff of Osh State University. From the …
The staff of the Department of Clinical Disciplines 2 started a four-day training of the MMF teaching staff on the multidisciplinary university virtual clinic – Dimes. Main goal: Consolidation of the algorithm of actions in various clinical situations with the …