The scientific joint project of the International Medical Faculty and the Faculty of World Languages and Cultures of Osh State University on academic English for young scientists “Language of the Academy: how to write and publish a scientific article in English” has started. The project is being implemented at the expense of Osh State University’s own fund. On October 25, the meeting of the working group was held, where an action plan and stages of work to be carried out were discussed. The research project consists of three parts: Intensive English, Academic Writing, Research Methodology. The first semester of study includes spoken English at the B1 and B2 levels. The second semester is aimed at teaching research methodology and academic writing. As a result of this course, participants will be able to write a scientific article in English, following the criteria for writing an article and using the knowledge gained with the help of mentors with a scientific degree. Before the start of the course, it is planned to conduct intensive trainings for course participants with the involvement of qualified foreign and local specialists.