On May 21, 2016, rectors of seven public universities in seven oblasts of Kyrgyzstan signed the Osh Declaration at Osh State University. Aga K. Issyk-Kul State University named after Tynystanov, Talas State University, S. Naryn State University named after Naamatova, Jalal-Abad State University, Batken State University, A. Public schools such as the Osh Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute named after Myrsabekova and Osh State University. The adoption of the Declaration is aimed at improving the internal partnerships of higher education institutions of the country and their effective contribution to the education of educated and united youth by being a bridge of friendship.
It pursues the following goals:
– strengthening the internal integrity of the country and friendship between schools by holding events at the state and university levels.
– intensification of inter-university integration, mobility and internal academic exchange in the global educational space in the era of globalization, involving students in new learning environments, strengthening competition in the field and teaching them to communicate with the public;
– Development of exchange of pedagogical experience between universities, organization of guest lectures, open classes of well-known scientists and professors, associate professors and their internships;
-creation of conditions for joint research work of the teaching staff, organization of scientific-practical conferences, symposiums, online, tele-lectures, video lessons;
– joint implementation of major international projects;
– joint organization of cultural and sports events between schools;
– Strengthen the academic freedom of students in the educational process, expand their personal trajectory, etc., along with the effective use of credit technology in the balloon system.
Within the framework of the Osh Declaration, student festivals are held annually in member schools, which are accompanied by cultural, concert, entertainment programs, where active and talented students are awarded diplomas, certificates, certificates, etc. The awards have been handed out. Osh State University is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the principles of the Declaration.
The agreement between the seven universities is working successfully in Osh State University. To date, about 20 students have been sent to ISU, JASU, about 100 students and teachers from Talas State University, NSU, ISU, Batken State University, JASU, OGPI are studying at Osh State University. Transfer and admission of students is carried out by the Department of International Relations of the University.
The following documents are required for admission:
1) Tripartite agreement.
2) Training agreement.
3) Letter of guarantee (letter of guarantee).
4) Questionnaire.
5) Copy of passport.
The host university provides students with dormitories and provides full access to systematic education. Contract fees are paid by students to their university, they receive free education at the host university, and their subjects, credits, and session grades are recognized at their university. Students participating in the mobility should organize a two-week session at their school to pass the difference subjects. Registration of students is carried out twice a year: for the spring semester – in December, for the autumn semester – in May.