On the basis of the Virtual Clinic branch of UNIPK University Clinic of Osh State University, a planned two-day seminar was held for employees of the medical and international medical faculties on the topic “Pathology, Basis And Clinical Pharmacology”
On the basis of the Virtual Clinic branch of UNIPK, the University Clinic of Osh State University held a planned two-day seminar for employees of the medical and international medical faculties on the topic “Pathophysiological basis of cardioreanimatology using innovative simulation mannequins”. Seminar Trainer A. Kaipova Cardio-resuscitator, functionalist and teacher of the international medical faculty of the Department of Pathology, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. The mechanisms for the development of cardiological conditions (arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, AMI) were developed in detail; acquired skills of auscultation of the heart on smart mannequins; techniques for performing functional tests on devices with their further interpretation and rules for ECG removal have been developed. New views and trends in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases were presented. Due to the presence of a virtual clinic and mannequins, teachers can show all this to students in the classroom.