“ANATOMICUM”, December, 2019: The second day of the decade, summed up
Teachers of the decade, 2nd day (04.12.19), E.Baygaşkaev A.Pirmatovalar held open lessons. On the subject of “Human Histology 2” 2-eng-10A-18 freshman team titled “Female reproductive system” bribe-III and E. The object Baygaşkaev “Human Physiology 2” on the topic “Proteins, fats metabolism” 2-year eng-12V-18 team held an open lesson. During class discussion groups: large, the use of organs related to a test, the methods used. Members of the classes of Professor N. Akın, teachers Asanbek. S, K, Dzhorobekova U.Aşimov, T.Payzildaev and editors. T, assuming A.Alimbekovalar special form EVALUATION SHEET their prices.