History of faculty
To study — is the same what to row up the stream
only you will stop — and you can go back.
Chinese saying.
Post graduate studying of doctors began in the 30th years of the XIX century when universities of Moscow, Kazan and Kiev began to practice training of doctors for the purpose of increase of their qualification, training of doctors in foreign clinics were also applied. In 1885 in St. Petersburg the first-ever clinical institute was open for improvement of doctors, nowadays St. Petersburg medical academy of postdegree education.
Medical postd graduate education became union of state system in our country in 1964. In 1965 all institutes of improvement of doctors were transferred to Ministry of Health of the USSR, and in 1968 the internship was entered.
Search of optimum model of medical preparation led in the late nineties of the XX century to recognition of need of continuous medical post graduate education that education for the rest of life” on “education through all life” was expressed in change of a paradigm from “.
Medical postdegree education can be divided into some types:
1. Receiving the main specialty (internship, clinical internship, postgraduate study).
2. Professional development (improvement).
3. Professional retraining.
4. Self-education.
In 2009 by the solution of the Academic members of OShSU in March 25 for No. 154, opened Faculty of postdgraduate medical education which headed Candidates of Medical Science., associate professor Muratov Zhanybek Kudaybakovich. Opening of faculty was the requirement of time and the timely decision of administration of OShSU which purpose was to train and let out full-fledged specialists doctors.
Activity of PGME OSU is regulated by the following standard and legal documents:
1 Law on education
2 PPKR No. 303 of 31.07.07. About medical postdegree education in KR
3 Order No. 297 of 15.08.07. in pursuance of PPKR O to postdegree medical preparation
4 Provision on faculty of postdegree medical OSU
The faculty realizes 44 programs of training of clinical interns and interns.
In 2014 the took place already 5th release of attending physicians and interns who received the corresponding certificates on the right to work in the medicine area elected by them . In 5 years more than 600 doctors, including from the countries of the foreign and neighboring countries, such as Pakistan, Nepal, Syria, India, Japan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, etc. are trained. Since 2015 at faculty will work department on retraining and professional development of health workers from health care system.