Affiliated hospitals
Medical faculty Osh State University is affiliated with educational and clinical institutions. Teaching hospitals are well equiped,with modern diagnostic and treatment facilities to train students at a higher scientific and professional level. In particular, all types of diagnostics, thermovision, angiography, endoscopic technique, MRI, CT scan and highly effective means of treatment by hyperbaric oxygenation, laser therapy, modern efferent methods of de-toxication and many others are widely used here.students are trained at best diagnostic centres and hospitals of the city such as-;
Osh State University Medical Clinic
Osh Provincial Clinical Hospital
Osh city territorial Hospital
Osh InterProvincial Clinical Children Hospital
Perinatal Centre
Provincial Materinity Home
Medical Centre”ZAMAT”
Osh InterProvincial Centre of Oncology
City Hospital of Infectious diseases
HIV-AIDS prevention Centre